2. お知らせ
  3. 撮影協力のお願い


美術家・宇佐美雅浩の作品制作のため、世界各国にいる皆様(外国籍かつ外国在住者)に写真・動画撮影のご協力をお願いいたします。皆様から提供された写真と動画は宇佐美雅浩の作品の一部として、2025年2月7日(金)から3月23日(日)に東広島市立美術館で開催される特別展「東広島市制施行50周年記念 Recollection ⇆ Vision 東広島の過去・現在・未来」で展示されます。

■作品タイトル 「8時15分」

原爆が投下された1945 年8 月6 日8 時15 分、東広島の市民、広島の市民の「時」は、⽌まってしまったり、動いていたり、⼈それぞれだっただろう。
そして、2024 の今を生きる私たちはこの時計を見て、現在と過去と対話し、これからの未来を作るのである。

① 写真


② 動画
※動画サンプル https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TP_oAoGCXPk


提出締切:2024年12月20日(金) → 2024年12月24日(火)

宇佐美雅浩 Email: info@usamim.com / webサイト:https://www.usamimasahiro.com


Request for Cooperation in Photography

To assist in the creation of an artwork by artist Masahiro Usami, we kindly request your cooperation in taking and submitting photos or videos. Foreign nationals of any country as long as they reside outside Japan. The photos and videos provided by participants will be incorporated into Masahiro Usami’s artwork and exhibited as part of the special exhibition “50th Anniversary of Higashihiroshima City: Recollection ⇆ Vision – Past, Present, and Future of Higashihiroshima”, which will be held at the Higashihiroshima City Art Museum, Hiroshima, Japan from February 7, 2025, to March 23, 2025.

Artwork Title


Artwork Concept by Masahiro Usami

We live in a time that moves in one direction.
Yet, how far into the past and into the future can we allow our thoughts to travel
At 8:15 AM on August 6, 1945, when the atomic bomb was dropped, the ‘time’ of the citizens
of East Hiroshima and Hiroshima may have stopped, or it may have continued to move—
each person’s experience would have been different.
From the clock faces of the people in the city, from 1945 to the present, we can imagine what
happened at that moment, how their destinies were divided, and how their descendants have
lived and will continue to live in the future.
And we, who live in 2024, will look at these clocks, engage in a dialogue between the present
and the past, and create the future ahead.

How to Participate

1. Photo

Take a photo of your watch displaying “8:15 AM (Japan Standard Time)” as clearly as possible, and send it to us.
You are free to choose the shooting method and composition. If the photo needs cropped, we will make the adjustments as needed.

2. Video
Record a self-portrait (including your face) at 8:15 AM while making a brief statement about your current location (country/region) and what you are doing at that moment.
Please record the video in horizontal position.
Along with the video, please provide the following information:
• Name
• Country/region
• Time of recording
• A written English or Japanese translation of “what you are doing now.”
Sample video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TP_oAoGCXPk
Example statement: “This is Tokyo, Japan. I am working at a café.”

The copyright of the submitted data will transfer to Masahiro Usami, and the data may be freely used for exhibitions, publications, and web content in the future.

About Submission

Submission Link:

Deadline: Friday, December 20, 2024Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Links (Contact details likely go here)

• Masahiro Usami
Official Website: https://www.usamimasahiro.com

Thank you very much for your cooperation!

◆Request for Cooperation in Photography

